As a whole, the WBOP Branch Executive helps run Branch Meetings and the Day Course during the year.
Branch General Meetings are usually on the last Friday of every month at various venues in Matamata, Hamilton and Tauranga. The general format of each General Meeting is an informal gathering with drinks from 6.30pm-7.00pm, Dinner 7.00pm-8.00pm, General Branch Meeting 8.00pm-8.30pm, Guest Speaker 8.30pm-9.30pm.
Branch members are encouraged to advise the Executive Committee of items they would like to discuss in General Business before the meeting, rather than on the night. Correspondence from the wider public and dental/allied professions is also discussed at the meetings. There are usually 6 - 7 General Meetings per year including the AGM and an equal number of Executive Meetings. Some Executive Meetings are conducted via Zoom.
Details of role-specific responsibilities are outlined below. Executive members may also need to do additional work outside the roles described to serve the Branch effectively. Past office holders may be found on the Roll of honour page.
Andrew Newsom
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
The President chairs monthly General Meetings, monthly Executive Meetings and the Day Course liaising with the Executive and Branch Administrator on related organisation. The Day Course is a particular focus. The President's term is generally one year, but can be for longer.
Rachel Farrar
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
The Vice President supports the President and organises the Day Course for the following year. The Vice President becomes President (without election) at the end of the incumbent President’s term. The Vice President usually chairs General Meetings if the President does not attend.
Rob Aitken
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
Once the President finishes a term, he or she automatically becomes Past President. The role maintains continuity within the Executive by helping to transfer experience and information from year to year.
Philippa Corcoran
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
The Secretary manages and holds minutes of each General and Executive Committee Meeting and the AGM. The Secretary also receives correspondence on matters relating to the Branch from dental and allied health professions, as well as the wider public. They oversee the Branch membership database and website.
Fiona Bailey
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
The Treasurer collects Branch subscriptions and manages its accounts and cash flow. Our Treasurer prepares the Annual Report for review by a Chartered Accountant.
Gus Ariaens
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
The WBOP Branch representative on the NZDA Advisory Council acts as a liaison between the NZDA board and you, our Branch members. They receive, with respect to the NZDA Board, Board minutes and to communicate items of interest or importance to members. They also convey feedback directly back to the NZDA Board. As our Branch Rep they need feedback, from members, about issues of importance. Many of these will come to light at Branch meetings, but if you would like to contact the rep directly about anything, please email them at the above address.
Rob Aitken (Hamilton)
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
Bernie Pollard (Tauranga and Rotorua)
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
Consumer Affairs Officers (CAO) are the first port of call for complaints or compliments to the Branch regarding members. Concerns or problems between Branch members may also be referred to the CAO. Often the CAO mediates between parties to resolve issues at Branch level. If this is unsuccessful, the matter will be referred to NZDA, the Health and Disability Commissioner or the New Zealand Dental Council.
For any complaints, these need to be in writing and posted to the Branch postal address:
PO Box 9563, Hamilton 3240.
Simon Lou (Hamilton)
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
Cheryl Downey (Tauranga)
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
Ben Sorensen (Rotorua)
PO Box 9563, Hamilton
Area Liaison Officers welcome new members to the Branch and encourage members and potential new members to attend the General Meetings. New member information is passed onto the Area Liaison Officer by the Branch Administrator or Secretary.
An employee of the Waikato BOP Branch, the Branch Administrator is our behind the scenes manager, booking meeting venues and liaising with guest speakers. The Branch Administrator writes and distributes the minutes for both Executive and General Meetings. Other duties include responding to new member enquiries, organising the Day Course and liaising with venues, speakers and the NZDA regarding advertising. The Branch Administrator assists the Secretary by processing new member applications and collating all membership information. They also manage the Branch website, keeping this up to date.The Branch Administrator assists the Treasurer by emailing membership subscription invoices and recording payments. Our Branch Administrator is Sammy Meiklejohn.
Our Branch Welfare Officer provides advice or support for those Dentists who have been unwell (physically, mentally, including drug or alcohol abuse, or who have suffered personal family tragedy or loss). The Welfare Officer(s) will respect privacy at all times. They may seek to assist the affected dentist or they may be acting on the request of the affected dentist, others or complaints. Our Branch Welfare Officer is Angus Campbell. His contact details can be found in the member's area of this website.
Our YDAG Rep represents the needs of young dentists (those in their first five years of practice). They make recommendations on behalf of young dentists and act as a communication channel between young dentists, the NZDA and our local WBOP Branch. They also assist the NZDA in the provision and development of young dentist services and encourage young dentist participation in NZDA and local Branch activities. Our Young Dentist Action Group Rep is Ruby Wills.