WBOP Branch Student Scholarship 2025
The purpose of this student scholarship is to support and encourage young dental students during their degree and to connect them with members of the Waikato Bay of Plenty Branch of the NZDA, showcasing the collegiality and benefits the Branch can offer them in future.
- This Scholarship is open to any student who is studying a Bachelor of Dental Surgery at University of Otago who originates from the Waikato Bay of Plenty NZDA Branch region outlined in the map below.
- The scholarship amount is $1000 per year to be applied for by 31st March each year.
- Should there be more than one applicant the scholarship will be awarded to the candidate chosen by the WBOP NZDA Branch Executive Committee. The scholarship may be divided.
- The Branch Executive will decide on the successful applicant at the April Branch Executive Meeting. The successful applicant will be notified soon after this.
- The scholarship may be applied for alongside any other scholarship as long as the terms do not conflict with the conditions of this scholarship.
- It will be expected the student will correspond with the WBOP Branch throughout the year and try to attend at least one Branch meeting between February and October.
- The scholarship will be offered as funds allow.
To apply for this scholarship the following is required:
- A completed application form
- Copy of applicant’s academic record (NCEA and/or university results)
- A covering letter (outlining interests, where applicant is from, and any other relevant background information)
- The applicant’s CV (including referees) Please send the required information, noted above, to: secretary@wbopnzda.org.nz by 5pm on 31st March
Scholarship Winners:
2015: Meletta Chow
2016: Hannah Maher
2017: Shayden Bell
2018: Jarden Lacey
2019: Rereahu Jeffries
2020: Maia Tapsell
2021: Joanne Parry
2022: Jason Lee